LabgnosticEQA and PT

Automate External Quality Assurance and Proficiency Testing submissions for data accuracy and ensured compliance

Labgnostic hub icon in pink colourway

What do we do?

Delivering EQA and PT scheme requests to labs like any other patient sample.

LabgnosticEQA offers External Quality Assurance (EQA) and Proficiency Testing (PT) providers access to an existing network of laboratories to participate in their schemes. Through a single interface, EQA and PT providers can electronically send scheme requests, and receive results back, directly into their systems. With the removal of manual transcription and processes which sit outside of the standard patient sample workflow, LabgnosticEQA guarantees that results are returned faster; pre- and post-analytical errors are reduced; and cleaner, more representative data enters EQA and PT datasets. LabgnosticEQA is an enabler and enhancer of the improvement in consistency, standardisation, and comparability of work across labs which is provided by EQA and PT.

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Laboratory testing, UK, EQA for providers


Learn how LabgnosticEQA can help your lab.

Lab coat icon, EQA for providers

Consistent controls

Confidence that your samples enter lab workflows like a patient sample, and you receive clinically useful data.

People connected together icon

Accessible schemes

Connect to our existing network of 200 labs to make your EQA and PT schemes electronically accessible and more appealing to participants.

Happier labs

Labs are assured that their results for your schemes reflect their quality when you choose LabgnosticEQA.

Test tube icon, EQA for providers

Stronger datasets

More representative data which accurately reflects laboratory and analyser quality, rather than human error.

Person running fast icon, EQA for providers

Faster returns

With less time spent sending requests and chasing late returns, result data enters your dataset to be used sooner.

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Streamlining the transfer of EQA schemes to labs.

All tests sent through LabgnosticEQA are mapped against the local system codes of the requesting EQA/PT provider and, through LabgnosticEQA, they are translated into the local codes of the participant laboratory system. When results are generated, they are sent back to you through LabgnosticEQA almost instantly.

Labgnostic for EQA message workflow diagram

Service Offering

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Professional Implementation

Dedicated deployment team who can get new labs live and new users trained in a matter of weeks.

Support team talking icon
Responsive Support

Dedicated online ticketing support system to provide customers with the support they need, when they need it.

account management team icon
Dedicated Account Management

Every customer is assigned a dedicated Account Manager to ensure you get the most out of LabReach.

Proudly partnered with UK NEQAS

"LabgnosticEQA is something that all UK NEQAS disciplines need to cover. It reduces pre- and post-analytical errors, reducing the possibility of incorrect and unrepresentative results entering our dataset."

Dina Patel
Scientific Director
UKNEQAS Immunology, Immunochemistry and Allergy

Handshake icon

Let’s get started…

Discover how our services can benefit you.

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